Thursday, 12.08.2021 @15:00 – 16:30
>>> Impuls / Chat <<<
Saturday, 14.11.2020 @15:00 – 16:30
On November the 14th of November 3 pm CET,
New Neighbours presented its documentaries during one of the national meetings in Hamburg, Germany.
National meetings are a structural part of the project of New Neighbours and they are an opportunity for people interested in challenging the narrative around migration, to meet, discuss and learn from each other.
This national meeting in particular was moderated by Larry Macaulay, founder of CMMA2020 and Refugee Radio Network.
for more details click the Link:

Saturday, 15.08.2020 @18:00 – 22:00
Larry Macaulay, also known as ('Shaka' or 'Mista Larry') invites you to an infotainment show at the Festival Avant-Garden: with LET'S GET KRITIKAL - a Talk Platform where the conversations are pure, honest and critical, addressing the everyday lives of Migrants / New neighbors living within and outside the continent. There is no holding back or limits to what is said on this show, it's all about #kritikalthinking!
for more details click the Link: https://bit.ly/2NGBN0O

Fri-13.3. 2020 / 16:00 - 17:30
MULTIPERSPECTIVITY - WESTERN JOURNALISM AND NON-EUROPEAN POLITICSWorkshop with Lina Chawaf (head of Rozana Radio) and Larry Moore Macaulay (founder and head of the Refugee Radio Network)
In this workshop, the participants develop new approaches and tools to report on intercultural and multilingual (cultural) events. The workshop deals with the alleged objectivity of the reporting person and the risks of subconsciously communicated prejudices. Using best practice examples, the participants get to know new, experimental forms of journalistic storytelling, for example in the form of various live formats. As part of the workshop, the two workshop leaders also present their own work, current and future projects. Afterwards there is the possibility to visit the immersive bazaar project REVOLUTIONARY SOUQ.
In English, participation free of charge, registration required at kasse@kampnagel.de
More Detial in the Link https://bit.ly/32N5VhT

March 12 -15, 2020
The "normal" everyday life in the souk, or the calm before the storm: Syrian society is made up of different groups and minorities.
for more info click:
Time: Open
Venue: KAMPNAGEL -Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Germany

November 15, 2019
December 06, 2019
A new talk-series by media-entrepreneur Larry Macaulay, who brings together journalists from different contexts. In a talk show-like setting the participants will share their opinions and analyses about topics like politics, migration, culture, economy or sports.
In der neuen Talk-Reihe bringt Media-Entrepreneur Larry Macaulay Journalist*innen unterschiedlicher Kontexte zusammen. Im Setting einer Fernsehshow tauschen sie Analysen und Meinungen aus zu aktuellen Themen wie Migration, Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Sport.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00
Venue: Migrantpolitan-Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Germany

October 11, 2019
This evening is an hommage to the godfather of afrobeat: Fela Kuti. With Music, Videos, personal anecdotes and memories by Migrantpolitan's very own Larry Macaualy, who grew up in Lagos in the 80s and was very much influenced by Fela Kuti's music and spirituality.
Time: Fri, 11.10.2019 20:00
Venue: Migrantpolitan-Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Germany.

August 31 - September 01, 2019
Let's Get Critical - Workshop
"Mista Larry" presents >>Let's get critical <<
Workshop on Community Media and Migrantpolitanism
with Nadine Jessen - founder of New Media Socialism
Time: 12.00 - 13:00 pm
Venue: Campfire Festival Platz des Landtags, 40221 Düsseldorf .

September 19 - 21, 2019
CMFE 'New Neighbours'- Workshop
The Community Media Forum Europe organized workshop at the University of Siena 6th ECREA RADIO RESEARCH CONFERENCE
COMMUNITY OUTREACH WORKSHOP - NEW NEIGHBOURS (www.newneighbours.eu). The workshop will help to devise a series of local activities to be promoted by community media with a view to energising and extending their engagement with migrant groups. The workshop will host 12 participants from intercultural radio/TV programmes in European community media.
Time: 09.50 - 12:00 noon
Venue: University of Siena - Italy.

February 08, 2019
Migrantpolitan TV show EP 1
"Mista Larry" presents >>Fashion as Political Statement <<
"I think there is beauty in everything. What 'normal' people perceive as ugly, I can usually see something of beauty in it."- Alexander McQueen
On this fresh episode, we dig deep into the topic of Fashion, Politics and Empowerment with:
Special Guest:
+ Beatrace Angut Oola – Fashion Consultant and founder of African Fashion Day Berlin- https://bit.ly/2UHWr2o
+ Nadine Jessen - Dramaturge,curator,fashionista and founder of Voodoo Chanel
Guest Artist: DJ Wax
+ Live Art
Time: 20.00pm
Venue: Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Germany
November 23, 2018
Migrantpolitan TV show EP 2
"Mista Larry" presents >>LetsTalk about Feminism & Women Empowerment<< With
+ FATUMA MUSA AFRAH: Activist/Founder United Action e.V https://fatumamusa.com/
+ ONE MOTHER: Global Feminist BAD(B)ASS.
+ Live Art
Time: 20.00pm
Venue: Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Germany
October 19, 2018
Migrantpolitan TV show EP3
“Welcome but You can’t Stay!”, this is manifesting across Europe.
The people crossing the Med continue to die; the gate of Europe is closed.
Right-wingism is at its peak.
"Mista Larry" digs deep into the topic of Migration with focus on issues around Politic, Social and cultural with snippets of Infortainment.
+ Abdul Abbasi - Social media Blogger/Activist from syria Co founder of the germanlifestyle Blog (GLS)
+ Leachim Manspor- Mighty Micheal- Multi talented Music performer/Producer and Band member of BoyDivision.
+ Music by Abed Harsony Paco Hallak Oriental music inspirations.
Time: 20.00pm
Venue: Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Germany
August 08, 2018
Wer seine Zeit gern mit Anspruchsvollem wie Puzzeln oder Bingo vertreibt, ist im SOLICASINO goldrichtig! Denn nirgends kann so spielerisch das Angenehme (Spiel, Spaß, Zeitvertreib) mit dem Nützlichen (Spenden für Illegalisierte) verbunden werden wie im SOLICASINO. Neben den Akteuren des Migrantpolitan geben auch wieder zahlreiche alte Bekannte ihr solidarisches Stelldichein: das unerschrockene Boy Division Ensemble präsentiert wie immer sein Bestes, der Magier Manuel Muerte ist am Start (sollte er keine bezahlten Engagements an dem Tag haben), ebenso Pokerqueen of Hearts, lovely Riikka, Magic Marcel oder die Uschi Gellers. Und verpassen Sie nicht Danny Banany mit seinem »riennnn ne vas plussssss«! Auch wieder dabei ist Harald´s Tombola, bei der man (fast) nur gewinnen kann. Und noch viele weitere Asse im Ärmel warten nur darauf, Ihnen die Spendierhosen vom Leib zu reißen. Also es lohnt sich wie immer, und denken Sie daran: Beim Verlieren gewinnen immer die anderen!

August 24, 2018
PAJA-GALA NIGHT & Hello Deutschland Tv
Good News for those who missed the Red Carpet Show last time! We will have a Pyjama Gala on 24th of August Hello Deutschland / Internationales Sommerfestival. Come and meet the HD stars live @ Migrantpolitan
Gute Neuigkeiten für alle, die unseren Walk über den roten Teppich verpasst haben! Am 24. August beim internationalen Sommerfestival auf Kampnagel könnt ihr alle 10 Folgen binge-watchen! Nur imMigrantpolitan